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Heidelberg Union Church penny party delivers the prizes

The one event where most people attending win a prize and usually multiple prizes is at the Heidelberg Union Church penny party.

Players start with a lot of change, much in pennies, and a pile of numbers.

Each prize is marked with the cost, which may be as little as 4 cents.

The prizes and two cups, one for numbers and one for coins, are passed around the table.

When that is done, Betty Krause, who has been calling the winners for years, calls out, “Who won?”

Brian Fisher and Sylvia Dise then deliver the prizes to the winners.

The last round before the break in the game is a dollar event. The prize includes a loaf of bread, eggs, bacon, coffee and potatoes.

A second dollar event is held as the final one of the day. The prize for this is a box of fresh vegetables.

Former Pastor David Hess, of the Lutheran congregation, used to say the pennies used at the event were the most he ever saw in his life.

PRESS Photos by Elsa KerschnerLinda Lapp won a purple bunny. She has four little grandkids at home who will enjoy playing with the stuffed animal.