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7th Congressional District

Eight candidates, two Republicans and six Democrats, are seeking the seat that represents the new 7th Congressional District.

This district was approved by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Jan. 22 and includes all of Lehigh and Northampton counties and the southern portion of Monroe County that includes Stroudsburg.

The area is represented by Congressman Charlie Dent, who announced he is resigning as representative from the former 15th Congressional District later this month.

Democrats Roger Ruggles, John Morganelli, Susan Wild, David Clark, Greg Edwards and Rick Daugherty will face off in the May 15 primary election, as will Republicans Dean N. Browning and Marty Nothstein.

The Press asked the candidates the following question:

Why did you decide to run for office in this newly created 7th District?

Their responses follow.

John Morganelli

I decided to run for Congress because I am the candidate with the experience to take on the tough fights in Washington. As district attorney, I took on the bad guys, and now we need to stand up to different kind of bad guys in D.C.

We cannot allow the NRA to dictate public safety issues.

We need to fight for affordable health care for every American.

We need to continue to protect Social Security and Medicare because they are a promise made to citizens that must be kept and which senior citizens and others need and rely upon.

David Clark

I prepared for 40 years to represent the district I live in. I developed over 40 things I want to accomplish that will correct the disasters of John Birch Koch brother policy. I want to return to the graduated income tax to make our country financially solvent and have funds to fully fund needed programs like infrastructure, education, universal health care, intercity job programs, etc. I want to correct what caused the wrong party to gain control of all of government, overturn Citizen United, stop gerrymandering, break up mass media monopolies and fight voter suppression laws.

Dean Browning

Our country is at crossroads. The election of Donald Trump as our president, in my opinion, represents what may be the last, best chance to choose the right path and move our country forward. I believe my nearly 40 years as a successful private sector businessman makes me best qualified to hit the ground running and work with the president to help get his agenda through Congress focusing on the following specific areas:

1. Securing our borders and stopping illegal immigration.

2. Strengthening our military and keeping America safe.

3. Growing our economy and creating good-paying jobs for Americans.

Responses were not received from Democrats Roger Ruggles, Greg Edwards, Susan Wild and Rick Daugherty, and Republican Marty Nothstein.

John Morganelli