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When I laugh and look at you,

I realize I should be crying.

When I tell you about my day,

I realize I should be asking you.

When you walk with me,

in front of the orange-tinted sunset,

I realize it will soon only be me.

I’ve always said I would miss you,

even when I didn’t truly mean it.

When I meant it, you only smiled and laughed at me.

But when I didn’t mean it, you would complain

for hours about how mean I was.

Can I find you in the music you

left resonating in my heart?

That’s how you wanted it to be.

But I know I will find you in

the orange-tinted town,

right at dusk,

in our favorite spot,


Melody Herrera

Age 14, Grade 8

Trexler Middle School

Allentown School District