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You remind me of

Sunday morning waffles.

I could always count on

You being at the table steaming over

A book, as the steam

Funneled out the open kitchen window.

You always looked golden brown on the outside,

Even if you were still soggy in the middle.

You were as bright as orange juice in

The glass next to me, but you could

Shatter as easily as the glass when you hit the floor.

You could be as sweet as maple syrup

Or as bitter as strawberries.

Even though you couldn’t eat whipped cream,

You always made me feel like

I was walking on the clouds.

I wish I could have brought waffles to your

Hospital bed,

Because you remind me of,

Sunday morning waffles.

Sallee Boose

Age 14, Grade 8

Trexler Middle School

Allentown School District

PRESS PHOTO BY ED COURRIERSallee Boose Copyright - &Copy; Ed Courrier