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Allentown stormwater crew rescues ducklings

Members of the City of Allentown’s storm- water department rescued a mother duck and 11 ducklings from a city storm sewer on April 12.

According to Mike Moore, Allentown communications manager, neighbors heard the ducks crying from below a sewer grate at the intersection of South Third and Martin streets just before 11 a.m.

The crew, including Supervisor Ed Neidermeier, Andy Wiesner, Mike Elias and Josh Arner, responded and removed the sewer grate and performed the rescue. The ducks were given to the Lehigh County Conservation District, which took the ducks to Trout Creek.

PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY CITY OF ALLENTOWNRichard and Judith Kern of Allentown, joins Josh Arner, who is holding the ducks, Mike Elias, (back) Andy Wiesner, and Ed Neidermeier for a photo after rescuing ducklings and their mother from a city storm sewer on April 12 at the intersection of South Third and Martin streets, Allentown.