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Jordan UCC youth prepare eggs for annual hunt at church

The day before the March 31 Community Easter Egg Hunt at Jordan United Church of Christ, South Whitehall, volunteers were busy boiling and coloring eggs as well as filling plastic eggs with assorted candy.

Karen Shear, who has been responsible for getting the eggs ready for the event for the past six years, makes sure there are 20 dozen eggs ready to boil and gathers all the paints and colors and candy for the event.

On Good Friday, the group spent the morning in the kitchen and social hall.

Shear’s friends and relatives came out to help.

After about 2-3 hours, the eggs were ready for the children and the big event the next day.

Press photo by Anita HirschAvery Shear and twins Jocelyn and Roselyn Bernhard from New Tripoli very carefully paint eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt at Jordan United Church of Christ, South Whitehall.