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For the Record

Northwestern Lehigh School District Business Administrator Leslie Frisbie has provided the following corrections to the school board story in the April 12 edition of the Northwestern Press.

According to Frisbee, the article was written based on the budget presentation for the 2018-19 budget, however, the article references “this year” which may be confusing to the reader.

In addition, Frisbie is the business administrator. Her title was incorrect in the article.

The contribution to the school retirement fund (PSERS, PA School Employees Retirement System) is estimated to be $6.4 million, not $24 million as reported.

Textbooks and curriculum materials are estimated to be $380,000, not $23,000 as reported. Changes to the budget can be made through the June final budget adoption, not through April as reported.

The proposed final budget will be adopted by the school board in May and the final budget will be adopted in June.