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THE SWAIN SCHOOL School hosts inaugural oratory contest

Recognizing that public speaking is a critical life skill for all, The Swain School initiated an oratory contest for grades six through eight to give students a forum to practice public speaking. The event was open to all students in the Lehigh Valley.

The event drew 17 contestants to the school, 1100 S. 24th St., Salisbury Township, April 13. Students selected their speeches from among those listed on the Famous American Speeches website. Each student was evaluated on poise, delivery and presentation and overall effectiveness.

First place was earned by Moravian Academy’s Oezue Bell and Rohan Mehta also from Moravian Academy, was awarded the second place plaque. Reese Wilten, a student at The Swain School, earned third place.

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOThe Swain School hosted its inaugural oratory contest April 13. ABOVE: Rohan Mehta, who earned second place, Oezue Bell, who earned first place honors and Reese Wilten, who earned third place, display their awards.