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A new building for a painting contractor’s headquarters along South Pike Avenue has been recommended for approval by the Salisbury Township Planning Commission.

By a vote of 5 to 0, with two members absent, planners recommended the preliminary-final land development plan be approved for a 2,100-squre-foot building with 14 parking spaces and entrance driveway on 1.135 acres on the west side of South Pike Avenue.

The planning commission is a recommending body that forwards its decisions to the township board of commissioners. The date of the commissioners’ meeting when the plan will be on the agenda for a vote was not determined as of the April 10 planners’ meeting when the vote was taken.

Township commissioners next meet 7 p.m. April 26, but the plan for the painting contractor’s building is not expected to be on the agenda.

The site at 2686 S. Fourth St. is in the C-2 Zoning Neighborhood Commercial District with a portion in the R-4 Zoning Medium Density Residential District.

The building would house supplies and provide office space for Aaron Roche of Roche Painting LLC.

Roche and Edward A. Schlaner Jr., of Martin H. Schuler Company, an Allentown civil engineering and surveying company, attended the April 10 planners’ meeting.

David J. Tettemer, township engineer, of Keystone Consulting Engineering, Inc., read from his April 4 review letter. Tettemer said he had no engineering objection to granting a waiver to allow the preliminary and final plan to be combined.

Tettemer said that he had no engineering objection to granting a waiver request that would have required street trees at the site.

Tettemer said he had no engineering objection to a waiver request that would have required curbs and sidewalks along the property facing South Pike Avenue. Tettemer said there are some curbs but no sidewalks north of the site.

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation approval is required for the waiver of the curbs and sidewalks.

Tettemer said the waiver should be changed to a deferral to give the township and PennDOT the option to require curbs and sidewalks in the future.

A highway occupancy permit will be needed from PennDOT since it has jurisdiction over South Fourth Street (South Pike Avenue).

“They’re not requiring curbing or sidewalk,” Schlaner said of PennDOT, adding, “We expect the permit to be issued.”

A meeting between Schlaner and PennDOT officials was scheduled for April 13.

Planning Commission Chairman Charles Beck said a walkway is needed along the front of the property facing South Fourth Street. Tettemer agreed and recommended a soft-material walking path.

Tettemer and planners inquired about the locations of overhead lines for PPL Electric Utilities, which are 10 feet above grade, and Verizon, which are 8 feet above grade at the site.

“We had a meeting with PPL to see how they can raise them,” Schlaner said, adding, “We don’t expect any problem.” A site meeting between Schlaner and PPL and Verizon officials was expected April 12.

The plan is for the wires to be 12 feet to 15 feet above the finished grade at the site.

Richard Hassick made the motion, seconded by Richard Schreiter, planning commission vice chairman, to vote on the deferrals for curbs and sidewalk requirements, which was approved 5 to 0.

Glenn Miller, planning commission secretary, made the motion, seconded by Hassick, to vote on waivers for the preliminary-final plan and shade trees, which was approved 4 to 1, with Mark Kijak voting no.

Hassick made the motion, seconded by Miller, to vote on the preliminary-final plan, which was approved 5 to 0.

A sketch plan for the project was presented at the Sept. 12, 2017, planners’ meeting.

The plan was presented at the Feb. 13 planners’ meeting when it was tabled.

The Salisbury Township Zoning Hearing Board voted 3 to 0 to approve the plan at its Nov. 6, 2017, hearing.

The property has public sewer service. Because of the site’s elevation, a well will provide water.

The wooded property, which is pie-shaped and narrows to the west of its South Pike Avenue frontage, borders Allentown on the north side.

Driveway access to the building would be provided to South Pike Avenue and not Buttonwood Street.

South Fourth Street is a PennDOT jurisdiction highway. PennDOT consultation and approval is needed for the driveway.

Estimated construction cost of the building is $350,000 to $400,000.

In other business at the April 10 meeting, planners were given copies of the first four parts of the township subdivision and land development plan. Planners are to read the portions of the ordinance for possible discussion and vote at a future meeting.

“I think this is something you can take home and review,” Salisbury Township Director of Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka said to planners, adding, “Anything that has been changed is highlighted.”

She asked planners to get back to her with any concerns or recommended changes.

The May 8 planners’ meeting has been canceled because there were no site reviews submitted, according to Atty. John W. Ashley, of the Davison & McCarthy law firm, the planners’ solicitor.