At the April 16 Macungie Borough Council, it was announced Macungie Park is in need of volunteers.
Residents love the park but are limited in offering their help. Various shows needing volunteers were mentioned.
•A car show May 6 where help is needed at the following times: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
•A truck show June 15 and 16 where help is needed at the gates 8 to 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers are needed for the refreshment stand 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 1:30 to 5 p.m.
The park is self-supporting and employs three employees – two full time and one part time. Residents interested in volunteering should contact Diane Angermeier at 610-967-1531 or email
In other business, the Memorial Day parade detour route was not approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. A meeting will be held April 18 to determine another route.
An update was provided on the streetscape project – $519,000 has been spent so far.
Council members heard a presentation by Terry Schettini, a member of the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania on redistricting, fair districts and fair elections in Pennsylvania.
Redistricting can happen every 10 years and typically only then when a seat is gained or lost. The goal is to have fair districts to represent local communities.
County Executive Phillips Armstrong introduced himself and spoke about working with municipalities within the county.
The Macungie Volunteer Fire Company submitted an active member list dated March 31. The next one is due in June. These reports are to be submitted quarterly. The training report was also submitted. The fire department also submitted certificate updates dated March 31.
The antique truck show slated for June 15 and 16 is requesting fire police for this event. The St. Luke’s half marathon needs fire police as well.
Both requests were approved.
The zoning hearing board vacancy, which is a 2-year term, will be filled by Richard Stukas upon completion of training for this position.
Further discussion about the residential rental ordinance continued. The attorneys will write the ordinance. The time of inspection was determined to be upon sale and then every five years thereafter. Further discussion is needed to determine costs and inspection process.
A resolution was voted on for the denial of the Turkey Hill liquor license transfer. There were four ayes and two nays.
A time extension was approved for Stone Hill Meadows Phase 3.
The next meeting will be held 7:30 p.m. May 7 at the Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main St., Macungie.