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Egg hunters fill New Life Church sanctuary

Two miles away, the snow was gone but at New Life Lutheran Church, New Tripoli, it was still four-inches deep when the Easter Egg Hunt was scheduled on March 24.

The hunt was rescheduled for March 31 and the weather was near perfect.

By 2:30 p.m., kids were registering for the 3 p.m. event. From the registration table they went to a prize egg table.

Buckets of eggs for each age group guaranteed each child would receive a prize. In addition they were given a coupon for a Kid’s Meal at Texas Roadhouse.

In the sanctuary, attendees were asked if they liked to sing and were told to standup, sit down, clap your hands three times, stamp your feet, and take a bow.

The choreography was used as they sang “When We Worship God.”

Debbi Remaley, director of volunteer ministers, told the story of why Easter is celebrated.

“Happy Birthday” was sung for egg hunt organizer Theresa.

Bill Miller, ministry assistant, asked for help for Oscar Edwardo Carranzo Andino, a resident of Honduras. The 14-year-old is part of the church’s Compassion at Work program.

Bill Shannon told this reporter the church receives a good response from the inserts in the Northwestern Press, with some people showing interest in joining the church because of them.

In fellowship hall, people high-fived the Easter Bunny before he returned to his home.

Lila Paris gets her prize egg from Lisa Nallon before going to wait in the sanctuary which rapidly filled with kids and family.