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The March 26 curriculum and technology committee meeting was held at Western Salisbury Elementary School and board members were given a presentation on the Leader in Me program’s engagement with families.

WSE Principal Dr. Grace Hartman said the school’s widely important goal for this school year was to increase family involvement in the Leader in Me program.

Hartman said she invited parents to attend the Leader in Me training, the Lighthouse team trained parents at the February PTA meeting and she encouraged families to create a mission goal statement.

Two parents – Marci Stappung and Sarah Nemitz are attending two regional Leader in Me trainings and shared their experiences and insights with board members.

Students Cameron Kubinsky, Zaira Stokes, Olivia Cudd, Nazir Collozo, Grace Russell and Lexi Simmons also presented on the Leader in Me program.

“As the Student Lighthouse Team, we model how to be a leader to others in school,” Cameron said. “We represent our classmates and help make decisions about school events and plan special days for the student body.”

The Lighthouse Team also meets with Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss and Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning Lynn Fuini-Hetten several times a year.

“An important part of the Leader in Me project is the idea of a mission statement,” Nazir told the board what a mission statement is. “It is a promise or pledge that is meaningful.”

Olivia told the board the student Lighthouse Team brainstormed with the teacher Lighthouse Team last school year to create a school mission statement which reflected the feelings and beliefs about the school.

“Our school mission statement is already two years old,” Olivia said. “It is: We lead, synergize and enjoy learning in a kind environment.”

Teachers Kristy Wied and Abby Kunkle also shared their mission statements with the board.

“I will challenge students to reach their maximum potential using higher order thinking skills and differentiated instruction to create meaningful learning,” Wied said.

Kunkle said her mission statement is “to provide a safe environment that inspires creativity through artistic techniques, elements of art, 21st century skills and knowledge of master and contemporary artists.”

Students shared their personal mission statements with the board.

“I want to be not just my voice, but my class’ voice. I want to make my fellow pupils feel equal. I want to be a role model for all ages. I want to make this a great year for all ages and people. I will always do the right thing for my class,” Cameron said.

“I want to be my class’ voice by being kind even to people who are unkind. Being a role model to younger kids. Making the right decision even when no one is watching,” Grace said.

“Don’t be like other kids. Be yourself and think about others and what they think. Make smart choices in life,” Lexi said.

“I want to be nice to everyone, no matter if they are mean, shy or friendly. I want to have a heart and stand up for what I believe in,” Nazir said.

“My mission statement this year is to be strong, be kind, be respectful, stand up for what I believe in, having a voice, treat everyone the same, be a friend to others and love myself and others. I will be true to myself and be me,” Olivia said.

“I don’t want just to be my voice. I want to be my class’ voice. I want to be a role model for all younger grades. I want to do things for others. I want to make the whole class equal. I don’t want to be a bystander ‘cause that makes it worse,” Zaira said.

Hartman said this year, families were encouraged to synergize and write their own family mission statement – those are displayed in the school lobby.

The Metz family and the Cudd family shared their mission statements which included “say please and thank you and be truthful” from the Metz family and “be understanding and compassionate to others ... be loyal to each other” from the Cudd family.

Board member Carol Klinger thanked the parents, teachers and students for their work. “I think it is great you are taking it out to the parents.”

Board member Joseph Gnall also commended the Leader in Me program and the effect it has had on his students who attend Harry S Truman Elementary School.

The next curriculum and technology meeting will be 7 p.m. April 23 at Salisbury Middle School.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHCameron Kubinsky welcomes Salisbury Township School District board members to Western Salisbury Elementary School March 26. In his mission statement, he says he wants to be a role model for younger students. See additional photos at www.lvpnews.com.