Emmaus High School will be open March 29 and April 2 for snow make-up days. School will be closed March 30. School will also be open June 12 and 13 for snow makeup days.
Congratulations to the cast and crew of West Side Story – you all did an outstanding job!
There is no meeting March 27 or April 3 for Mud Club members. Regular meetings will resume April 10.
Seniors must make sure all debts are settled before April in order to purchase senior ball tickets online.
Congratulations to the EHS winners of the American Math Competition. Geoffrey Kleinberg had the highest AMC-10 score and Ishaan lal had the highest AMC-12 score.
Congratulations to the Emmaus High School winners at the Skills USA competition. First place winners include Nathanel Colson for automotive maintenance and light repair and Jeffrey Reed for web design. Second place winners include Kyle Bortz for welding, Noah Carl for automated manufacturing, Mackenzie Meyers for basic health care and Jacob Baia for automated manufacturing. The third place winner was Elijah Vanderslice for building construction.
The 2018 EHS local scholarship list is currently available to seniors in Naviance as well as on the EHS counseling website. The scholarship applications must be picked up in the counseling office; no substitutions will be accepted. The scholarship deadline is today.
Students interested in taking the Advanced Placement test must register and pay for each exam in the counseling office by the end of school day March 28. The late exam ordering period is April 3 through 13 with an additional fee. No tests can be ordered after April 13. The testing will be given May 7 through 18. All inquiries regarding the AP exams should be directed to Mr. Wood or Mrs. LaBar in counseling at 610-965-1660. Information can also be found on the EHS counseling website at www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/counseling.
The last opportunity to take the SAT or SAT subject tests at EHS will be May 5. Register at www.collegeboard.org by April 6 to avoid paying a late registration fee.
The maintenance department is accepting applications for summer maintenance employment. Interested students may pick up an application in the main office and/or guidance office of EHS. Applications are also available on the East Penn School District website. Applicants must be 16 years of age, continuing their education in high school or college and must be an East Penn resident. The deadline for receipt of applications is April 2.
Any juniors interested in taking a free college course at Lehigh University during senior year should see Mrs. Greene in the counseling office for details. The Lehigh University High School Scholars program allows highly motivated and talented high school seniors to take a course on the Lehigh campus tuition free during the fall 2018 semester. The application deadline is April 18 for this highly competitive program.
Dr. Kieres and other administrators and faculty will continue to be available Thursdays after school in the multi-media room. They are interested in continuing to talk with groups of students about matters of school safety and advocacy. A supervised space for student groups to meet and plan advocacy activities will also be provided. Students with all viewpoints are welcome.
Clubs and organizations creating signs may not post them around the school without administrative permission. Additionally, students are not to remove any posted signs from bulletin boards or other locations without permission.