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To mark the one-month anniversary of the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Fla. and to honor the lives of the 17 students and staff who died one month ago, Salisbury High School is asking students to consider participating in their “What’s Your 17?” campaign.

Principal Heather Morningstar said this campaign challenges all members of the SHS community to be the change they wish to see in the world and to treat one another with kindness and compassion.

For 17 consecutive days – one day to honor each student/staff member who died in the Feb. 14 Parkland, Fla. school shooting – students and staff will be asked to complete a daily challenge with this goal in mind.

Because repeated actions become habits, the intention is that – by repeating positive and supportive actions – students and staff alike will develop or reinforce behaviors that uplift all students and that recognize the goodness and worthiness of each and every person.

Morningstar said the challenge March 14 was to write a note or text or to have a conversation with someone who is important to you. It could be a parent, teacher, friend, mentor, coach or sibling – telling that person why he or she matters to you. Morningstar suggested the students be heartfelt and sincere even though they may feel vulnerable.

“You might be surprised how much of a difference your words can make to someone!” Morningstar said.

Many students across the nation planned to walk out of school March 14 for 17 minutes to honor the 17 victims of the Florida tragedy.

On March 12, Salisbury Township School District Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss sent a message to students, parents and guardians.

“We respect and support the right of our students to advocate for causes that are important to them and welcome the opportunity to work with any student or student group to discuss appropriate, safe and creative ways to do so while at school.

“Any students or student groups that wish to engage in ways that amplify their civic voice will not be prevented from doing so nor disciplined for engaging in civil, peaceful protest and advocacy efforts. Any disorderly conduct that disrupts the school day will not be acceptable and will be handled compassionately but firmly in accordance with the Code of Student Conduct. We want any student-led events to be a positive learning experience and an opportunity to engage student voice in powerful ways that are heard and listened to by national, state and local leaders.”

Ziegenfuss encouraged parent/guardians to “speak to their child(ren) about how they may be feeling about school violence, the recent events elevating the conversation nationally and the importance of students expressing themselves in the most appropriate ways at school.”

Morningstar said approximately 30 students participated in a walkout 10 a.m. March 14 where they convened at the flagpole under administrative/police supervision and returned to class 10:20 a.m. without incident.

Ziegenfuss said counseling and guidance support is available to any student and students are encouraged to reach out to an adult if this kind of support is needed or desired.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHCeoni Hamilton, a new student at Salisbury High School, meets Vivian Rogers March 15 as part of the school's initiative on random acts of kindness.