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Before the March 13 meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission began, the Schoeneck Road Land Development applicant, asked to be removed from the agenda.

Bud Newton, of Newton Engineering, was the engineer for all three projects discussed at the meeting.

The first applicant was G&D Associates with a property on Hamilton Boulevard. The property would include an Arby’s and a second building for commercial and office use. The applicant agreed to move the buildings closer to the road.

The planning commission agreed to accept two waivers for the project – one involving the storm sewer pipe diameter. Street trees were also discussed. The applicant agreed to add sidewalks and decrease the size of their sign.

The planning commission recommended approval of the two waivers as well as the lot adjustment and the preliminary final land development plan. The vote was unanimous.

The second applicant has a property at 5374 and 5392 Hamilton Blvd. The property would include a Taco Bell and an office building. The restaurant would have a gathering area in the front of the building and a two-story office building behind it.

The planning commission discussed adding lighting to the nearby Timmer trail, something local residents have been asking for. The plan would also involve a lot line adjustment in order for the two properties along Hamilton Boulevard to become one property.

The planning commission wanted a stormwater plan for the project and questioned if there would be an increase in the volume of runoff water on the neighboring township property.

“The flow rate will be controlled to such an extent that there should no longer be a flooding issue,” Newton said.

There was discussion about the property having trees on both sides of the Taco Bell in addition to some industrial lighting. The project was approved conditional upon landscaping, lighting and stormwater improvements.

The final applicant of the night was Body Elite, a personal training facility, in business since 2000. Body Elite requested a lot consolidation so the two properties can be joined together.

There will be a plaza at the north entrance and a running track along the edge of the property. Use of the facility will be by appointment only and include one-on-one and small group training. Newton explained the stormwater on the property would be handled by means of a retention basin. He also commented the building will be very energy efficient.

The planning commission asked how a truck would turn around in the parking lot and there was a discussion about having a designated area for turning vehicles around on the property. There was also a discussion about adding a fire hydrant on the south side of Hamilton Boulevard. The project was tabled.

The next meeting of the Lower Macungie Township Planning Commission will be 7 p.m. March 21 in the Lower Macungie Township building.