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Whitehall-Coplay Middle School students discuss contest win

The Whitehall-Coplay Communities that Care (CTC) group was treated to a special presentation at its March 16 meeting.

Three of the Whitehall-Coplay Middle School students who participated in the “What’s So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest attended the meeting. Myles Fleming, Zachary Kinney and Jerry Lin talked about their experience working on the project. WCMS won the Outstanding Career Pathway Award for its work with Follett LLC.

The CTC group took a few minutes to watch the winning video, which opened with two students discussing their futures. One of the students expressed his concerns over wanting a career but not wanting to go to college. The video then shifted to the students on site at Follett talking with workers in a variety of jobs and specialties. The video was shot, directed, written and edited by the students.

One of the primary focuses for CTC is parent education. Social hosting continues to be concern, especially at this time of year. The group is working with the high school to plan a pre-prom presentation for parents to detail the dangers and risks of allowing under-aged students to drink at home. The focus is on educating parents on the risks to themselves and their children.

“Child safety is very big right now,” Lehigh County Executive Phillips Armstrong said at the meeting.

He stressed the need to focus on how best to keep children safe.

Armstrong also mentioned the mock teen bedroom simulation on the county’s website that shows parents potential hiding places for substances in their children’s rooms.

When discussing hunger awareness, it was mentioned Whitehall Area Hunger Initiative is still looking for a second location for the summer breakfast camp. The organization is hoping to expand to reach a wider group of people who could benefit from the program.

Due to the inclement weather, the Whitehall High School career fair was rescheduled for March 29. The Whitehall Area Rotary Club is sponsoring the event.

Armstrong informed the group Whitehall Township Student Government Day will continue this year and that plans are in place to expand the program to include a Lehigh County government day next year. This program allows students to step into local government for a day and explore if they’d like to be potential government leaders in the future.

Whitehall Area Rotary Club is bringing the Four Way Test Speech Contest to the area in April. There are 60 students who have already signed up for the event. Students will focus on a topic using these four questions as the guideline: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Rotary members will narrow down a select group of contestants to compete at local, state and regional levels.

The next CTC meeting will be 8:30 a.m. April 20 at Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road, Whitehall.

Press photo by Samantha AndersonJerry Lin, Myles Fleming and Zachary Kinney, from Whitehall-Coplay Middle School, show off the trophy they won from the “What's So Cool About Manufacturing?” video contest during the March 16 Communities That Care meeting. The WCMS team partnered with Follett LLC and won the Outstanding Careers Pathway Award.