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Residents concerned with rehab facility

Michael Reese was the first person to address Lynn Township supervisors at their March meeting.

Reese said he has lived in the area for around 30 years on Blue Mountain House Road.

He wanted to make supervisors aware of alleged problems he is having with the rehabilitation facility on Leaser Road.

Reese alleges there have been outbursts of profanity, noise, harassment and trespass at his property.

He also said state police have been at the site several times on complaints.

Reese said he had complained to the township but nothing has been done.

Brian Mohr, another resident close to the facility, filed a written complaint with the township and confirmed Reese’s statements.

Chairman Justin Smith told Reese there was some action on the matter and the township is investigating the complaints.

Smith has discussed the matter with Zoning Office Chris Noll.

Noll told the board he has spoken with the residents about the problem.

Smith said the township will analyze the petition and take appropriate action if necessary.

In other matters, Patrick McGoldrick, from Frey and Co., certified public accountants, presented his report to the board.

He reported the township is in excellent shape financially. Some minor adjustments were recommended for the future.

Fire company reports included Lynnport Fire Company having three calls in February and three so far in March.

The final drawing of the 20 week ticket will be March 26.

The Easter Bunny will visit the fire station noon March 18 for lunch with the kiddies.

New Tripoli Fire Company still has some cash calendars available for purchase.

Five of the junior firefighters have completed their recent course.

The fire company has received its battery operated rescue tool.

They are considering erection of a 40-foot by 60-foot pole building on the property.

The board also adopted a resolution stating it will not be responsible for repayment of the money borrowed by the fire company for the construction of the addition.