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The Woman’s Club of Emmaus will honor the accomplishments of the Girls of the Month at its March meeting. The club meets 7 p.m. March 26 at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 501 Church St. The honorees have been selected by the specific curricular departments within Emmaus High School. The girls to be honored are Julia Norelli (music); Andrea Klick (journalism); Clair Boty (art); Lindsey Miller (family and consumer science); Talyn Wimmer (business and computer science); Grace Flood (drama); Isabella Wegner (science) and Sandhya Sriram (math).

Celebrate reading March 1 at the Emmaus Public Library. Enjoy cake, stories and cloth puppets as the library celebrates Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ March 2 birthday. The festivities begin 6:30 p.m.

The Emmaus Senior Citizens Group meets 1 p.m. every Friday at St. Matthew’s E.C. Church, Fifth and Ridge streets. All area senior citizens are invited to attend. The programs in March are March 2: Michael Evans, musician; March 9: “Buffalo Bill Come Alive,” with Bill Ludlow; March 16: a film and March 23 is game day. For information, call 610-966-4273.

A select group of East Penn restaurants will offer prix fixe lunch and dinner options at special prices during East Penn Restaurant Week March 4 through 10. For a complete list see www.EastPennRestaurantWeek.com.

The Emmaus Lions Club will hold its “Nite at the Races” and basket raffle March 10 at the Alburtis Area Community Center, 220 W. Second St., Alburtis. The donation fee gains entry to a night of fun, food, drinks and door prizes. You are invited to test your luck as you try to predict the winner of actual past horse races. The doors open 5 p.m. with the first race 6:30 p.m. For tickets, visit Buss Paints or the Alburtis Area Community Center. For information, call Lion Henry Heil at 610-966-5220 or any Lions club member. The snow date is March 11 (first race runs 2 p.m.).

Emmaus Borough Council meets 7 p.m. March 5 and 15. The budget and finance committee meets 6:45 p.m. prior to borough council meeting. Borough offices are closed for the holiday March 31.

The borough’s E-Waste facility, located at the public works facility behind Top Star on Kline’s Lane, opens noon to 6 p.m. the second Monday of the month beginning in March through November.

The compost center will open March 7. The schedule will be 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. or dusk Wednesdays and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays. For information, visit borough.emmaus.pa.us.

Free Zumba is held 9 a.m. every Saturday at Faith Presbyterian Church, North Second and Cherokee streets.

Please note the Emmaus Public Library will be closed during construction March 5 through 8 and March 12. The library will be open March 10. The programs originally scheduled during the closure dates are currently being rescheduled. For a new schedule see www.emmauspl.org or information in library.

A new program offered at the Emmaus Library is a Spanish story time. The program 11 a.m. March 3, presented by the Spanish Language Immersion Center, will include fun books and stories. Please sign up at the library’s front desk.

St. Patrick’s Day is an ongoing theme at the library during March. The book explorers will learn about St. Patrick’s Day 4:30 p.m. March 1. Attendees are reminded to bring a canned food donation for the Zionsville Food Pantry. The family fun film held 2 p.m. March 3 will have an Irish theme. Attendees are invited to bring their pillows and sleeping bags to snuggle up and watch a classic movie featuring a young Sean Connery. During “Tell a Tale,” library staff will tell stories from Ireland and around the world, 3 p.m. March 17.

All the story times and other regular scheduled children and youth events continue in March. Please see www.emmauspl.org.

The Decade Party will celebrate the 1970s with disco music and the making of peace signs and/or pet rocks. Reminisce about the decade 7 p.m. March 19. RSVP to eplcollections@cliu.org or 610-9284, ext. 210.

Movie Night is 6 p.m. March 27 (the film is rated R). Movie Matinee is 1 p.m. March 29 (rated PG-13).

To commemorate Women’s History Month, the library will host local authors Gretchen Furst and Sharon Lee Glassman 2 p.m. March 31 for a book signing of their book, “Made from Scratch: Tales of Women Who Take the Cake.” The authors will read selections from their book and lead a writing workshop for attendees to create their own stories of an influential woman in their lives. RSVP TO 610-965-9284 or eplcollection@cliu.org.

Staff from the office of Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-18th, will bring the mobile office to the library 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 26.

The Emmaus Historical Society monthly meeting will be held 7 p.m. March 22 at St. John’s Lutheran Church parish hall, Fifth and Chestnut streets. The March 22 program is “The Emmaus School Excursions of 1954 and 1955.” A 16 mm movie film of the excursions, donated by Albert Deischer, will be shown during the program, open to the public.

Tickets for the “Show Me the Money Bingo,” event sponsored by the Emmaus Main Street Partners and the Emmaus Historical Society at St. John’s Lutheran Church, April 29, will go on sale March 1 at Emmaus Jewel Shop and David’s Electric.

The historical society is taking orders for apple dumplings, shoo-fly pies and funny cakes. The deadline to order is April 6. Sign up at the society’s monthy meeting, Saturdays at the museum or leave a message at 610-966-6591 with name, phone number and quantity ordered. Payment and pick up is noon to 4 p.m. April 14 at the museum, 218 Main St.

The society wishes to thank artists Bob Boehmer and Ellen Wilson for their painting technique demonstrations during the SnowBlast Winter Arts Festival. The public is invited to stop at the museum to view the new exhibits and displays. For more information, visit the society on Facebook or visit the website, www.emmaushistoric-pa.org.

The historical society museum, 218 Main St., is open noon to 4 p.m. Saturdays or by appointment. The museum is closed Sundays through April. For information, email emmaushist@ptd.net, visit www.emmaushistoric-pa.org or call 610-966-6591.

The annual Emmaus Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt will be held 1 p.m. March 31 at Emmaus Community Park. Come early because hunts begin promptly. The hunt has sections for children one to 10 years. Come meet the Easter Bunny. The hunt is held rain or shine.

The Emmaus Winter Farmers Market is held 10 a.m. to noon March 11 and 25 of the month through April at the BB&T parking lot, 235 Main St. For information, visit EmmausMarket.com.

The Emmaus Commemorative Gardens Foundation holds a beautiful ceremony at the Emmaus Remembrance Garden each year around Memorial Day to honor veterans. Orders for a brick received by April 1 will be here in time for the May 27 installation ceremony. The garden is located on the grounds of the Knauss Homestead, 164 E. Main St. (rear). For information, visit www.emmausremembers.org.

The deadline for including news of events in the April column is March 21. Please send information to Corrine Durdock, 913 Little Lehigh Dr., durdock@aol.com or call 610-967-2661.

Celebrate the first day of spring March 20 and Good Friday, March 30. Reminder: Daylight Savings Time begins March 11.