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Beethoven ‘Times’ with the Symphony

“Da-Da-Da .. Dah ... “

Four famous notes open Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony,” considered to be one of the great classical music works of all time.

The story behind the masterpiece and the life of Beethoven are explored in the touring family production, “The Life and Times of Beethoven,” in the Allentown Symphony Orchestra “Family Series,” 2 p.m. Feb. 24, Miller Symphony Hall, Allentown.

The brainchild of MIchael Boudewyns and his wife Sarah Valentine was commissioned by the St. Louis Symphony. Given carte blanche to create a roughly one-hour show for families, Boudewyns and Valentine spent a year learning all they could about the master composer, from what his life was like to what was happening in the world at that time.

“We included trivia and anecdotes so the audience could get a sense of what the world was like then,” says Boudewyns in a phone interview. “For example, roller skates were invented during Beethoven’s time and George Washington was president.”

The concert features the Allentown Symphony Orchestra performing Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67.”

Boudewyns plays Professor Nigel Taproot, who teaches the audience about Beethoven in a sort of “Beethoven 101.” Boudewyns and Valentine founded and run Really Inventive Stuff, based near Portland, Me. Boudewyns performed “Peter and the Wolf” with the ASO in 2017 at Miller Symphony Hall.

Taproot speaks directly to the audience, giving each movement of Beethoven’s “Fifth” a section of Beethoven’s life as a framework.

“We were inspired by Mister Rogers and Captain Kangaroo, who spoke directly to the audience,” he says.

“The LIfe and Times of Beethoven” was designed as a show for all.

“I like to think we created a show not for a particular age, but for an audience full of human beings,” says Boudewyns.

“If you happen to be eight or 15 or 55, you will enjoy it.

“That we can still learn and discover new things at any age is something to celebrate. A family concert is a great reminder for adults that you can be serious and playful and joyful at the same time.”

There are pre-concert activities for children, 12:30 p.m. Feb. 24 in Rodale Community Room.

Tickets: Miller Symphony Hall box office, 23 N. Sixth St., Allentown; allentownsymphony.org; 610-432-6715