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Lowhill discusses various issues

Lowhill Township supervisors announced meetings for the multimunicipal plan will be 5:30 p.m. on first Tuesday of every month.

Roadmaster Joe Kalusky gave the road report at the board’s Feb. 1 meeting and noted as far as the Game Preserve Road detour, nothing new has been heard from PennDOT.

On the township agenda, old business included replacements for Bear, Narris Road, Winchester and Bittner’s Corner bridges.

As of the meeting, there was nothing new to report on the bridges.

The board only had one topic for new business and that was the planning commission meeting date.

Secretary Jill Seymour said the planning commission will meet the last Monday of every month except for May and December.

At the end of the meeting, Hughes made a motion to pay Terry Stewart at a rate of $21.63 an hour. Wessner seconded the motion.

During public comment, Jim Kuhns said he was unhappy with the firing of road crew member Joe Plaska during a public meeting.

Kuhns said even though the township is required to make a motion for the release of an employee, it should have been said differently.

Tom Ebanks also said the January meetings minutes should be rewritten. He said Plaska was with the township 23 years.

Ebanks was also concerned about his road being plowed in winter.

Hughes replied if he would keep his truck parked in his driveway, the roads could be plowed more thoroughly.

Seymour announced the Rural Preservation Association of Northwestern Lehigh County will have its annual four-township spring clean up April 14 at the township building.

Wessner made a motion to approve the request. Werley seconded the motion.