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Friends, classmates walk to raise funds for Wyatt

Northwestern Middle School student Wyatt Newhard, who has been battling neuroblastoma since age 3, was the grand marshal of “Walk For Wyatt” during the Nov. 17, 2017, fundraiser.

Students in the middle school helped raise funds for Wyatt’s favorite charity, Star Treatments, which provides VIP rides to medical facilities for children battling cancer.

Family, friends, classmates and staff members, both current and from his years attending Weisenberg Elementary School, joined him for one hour on the track.

Students were given sponsor sheets to raise money and also could purchase gold bracelets with the wording “We Walk With Wyatt.”

PRESS PHOTO BY LINDA DEIBERTZachary Grohotolski, Zachary Russo, Wyatt Newhard, Michael Crounse and Wesley George wait for the fundraiser walk for Star Treatments to begin Nov. 17, 2017.