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Representatives from Arts Academy Charter Middle School, 1610 E. Emmaus Ave., Allentown, attended the Jan. 29 curriculum and technology committee meeting at Harry S Truman Elementary School to seek approval for the addition of a literary and media arts course.

Executive Director Bill Fitzpatrick said the new course would be for seventh and eighth grade students. It has been an after-school club for the students and interest continues to grow.

Fitzpatrick said adding a seventh art permits the Arts Academy to “provide a greater focus on this area of study and is in compliance with the Pennsylvania Department of Education guidelines for curriculum.” He said to offer this as a course gives it more credibility than a club.

The Arts Academy currently produces a newsletter.

The school plans to add a literary magazine and this course will allow the students to express themselves through their writing of plays, songs, essays and other works. The plan is for the writers to team up with the instrumentalists, vocalists and dancers as well as graphic designers to bring the whole school together for one performance.

About 40 students are currently in the club. No increase in staffing is expected.

Fitzpatrick also said this will be good for the kids as they move to any high school.

Principal Elaine Hersh also attended the meeting and provided the course outline.

Fitzpatrick invited the board members to come to school for a visit to which they were very receptive.