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At the Alburtis Borough Council meeting of Jan. 31, Police Chief Robert J. Palmer II introduced Alburtis Police Officer Daniel Weidemann to council as the new part-time police officer. Weidemann passed all the required tests. Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer swore him in with his wife Felicia standing by his side.

Police Chief Palmer informed council applications were received for the full-time police officer position and Jan. 31 was the last day for applications. Testing is scheduled Feb. 10.

Mayor Palmer requested posting a zoned exchange area in the borough where citizens could safely exchange things. It would be posted and parking would be 15 minutes with a 24-hour camera surveillance for safety.

Council passed a motion designating the parking lot at borough hall to be the exchange zone for the borough as there are cameras there.

Mayor Palmer reported a window was broken at 128 W. 2nd St. and the owner has done nothing about it. Council passed a motion to send the owner a letter stating the owner has 30 days to board up the window. If the owner does not tend to the broken window council will have it boarded up and bill the owner.

In other meeting news, council awarded the bid for the curbing on Walnut Street to Zgura’s Concrete Services, Inc. of Emmaus, in the amount of $108,655.

Councilwoman Vanessa Taggart suggested making a dog park in the borough. A location known as the “Tot Lot” was mentioned.

Kyle Bower of the parks and recreation commission, who was in attendance and Councilwoman Kathleen Raines, chair of the parks and recreation commission, will check out the lot as a possible location.

Maintenance requested a new blower costing $439.96 and a new clothes dryer costing about $300. Council approved both requests.

Council approved a request from Henry Heil for an annual fundraiser, “Nite at the Races,” for two fire police at Alburtis Area Recreation Center 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. March 10 or on a snow date of 12:30 to 2 p.m. March 11.

Councilman John Aleszczyk, who was present, asked about the possibility of a couple of printed packets of papers mentioned on the agenda being available so people attending the meeting who want to, can follow what council is talking about during council meetings. Other meeting attendees agreed this would be easier for people at meetings.

Council decided if individuals request packets before the meeting, they will be printed for them, and an extra packet or two will be available at meetings.

Council discussed briefly a memo from Elizabeth Clark, of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, about the stewardship responsibilities of DCNR grant recipients.

Council is applying for a 2018 Small Water and Sewer Grant for upgrades to well 3 and other needs in the borough.

Council reviewed the closed-circuit television inspection video review dated Jan. 24. Council President Ron DeIaco claimed there are bunches of roots growing in the lines and the borough is paying for groundwater flowing through the system because of the roots. The less groundwater, the less the borough has to pay so the roots must be removed and then inspected again to see if repairs are needed. The tighter the system, the less the cost.

During the meeting, council also passed a motion approving Resolution No. 2018-4 appointing France, Anderson and Basile, P.C. as the borough’s independent auditor for fiscal year 2018.

Council passed a motion approving Resolution No. 2018-5 to re-appoint June Ellen Clayden to the Alburtis Zoning Hearing Board effective when her current term expires Feb. 21, 2021.

A motion was passed adopting Resolution No. 2018-6 to re-appoint Brian DeRienzo to the Alburtis Planning Commission effective when his current term expires March 4.

A motion was passed adopting Resolution No. 2018-7 to re-appoint Kyle Bower to the Alburtis Park and Recreation Commission Jan. 31 as his term expired March 4, 2017. Bower is to serve the remainder of the term expiring March 2, 2022.

Council adopted Resolution No. 2018-8, appointing David Kutzor, Ralph Gambler and Sharon Trexler to the Alburtis Environmental Advisory Council for a remainder of the following terms: David Kutzor for a term expiring May 28, 2020; Ralph Gambler, for a term expiring May 28, 2019 and Sharon Trexler for a term expiring May 28.

Other action taken by council was passage of a motion approving the meeting minutes of Jan. 10. Council passed a motion approving the bills of Jan. 31 for payment. A motion was passed accepting the December 2017 report of Chris DeFrain, fiscal consultant.

Alburtis Borough Manager Sharon Trexler suggested a good Eagle Scout project would be constructing a pavilion on the recreation hall property in case people want to rent it out.

The meeting adjourned 8 p.m. and council immediately went into an executive session to discuss personnel issues.

PRESS PHOTO BY LORETTA FENSTERMACHERFelicia Weidemann stands with her husband Alburtis Police Officer Daniel Weidemann as he is sworn in by Mayor Kathleen Palmer while Robert J. Palmer, Alburtis police chief, looks on.