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Yahdee says ...

Continuing the long Pennsylvania German tradition of predicting the end of winter, Grundsau (Groundhog) Lodge No.16, took mascot Yahdee and his “grandson” Lee to the banks of Jordan Creek, South Whitehall Township.

If, as legend has it, Yahdee would see his shadow, there would be six more weeks of winter. If no shadow appears, we would be in for an early spring.

As the temperature were in the low 20s on Groundhog Day, most on hand at the early hour of 7 a.m. were hoping for a shadow-less day.

Haaptmann David Adam, president of Grundsau Lodsch Nu. 16 Am Jahden (Groundhog Lodge 16 on the Jordan) presided over the event.

Ruth Wicker of North Whitehall accompanied the singing on keyboard.

A moment of silence was held in the memory of Carson Frey of Heidelberg Township, a longtime member of Grundsau Nu. 16 and originator of the Yahdee on the Jordan Creek prognostication event.

PRESS PHOTOS BY LOU WHEELANDYahdee and grandson Lee travel cross country Feb. 2 to give the weather report, though they would have rather been on the Jordan Creek, South Whitehall Township. The duo said there was too much ice to make the trip. Copyright - Lou Wheeland