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Temple Beth El Sisterhood makes fruit baskets for Tu’Bshevat

The Sisterhood of Temple Beth El, South Whitehall, gathered on Jan. 21 to make fruit baskets that would be donated to senior Jewish residents of the community.

The baskets would be given during the Jewish holiday of Tu’Bshevat which occurs on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, beginning this year on Jan. 30 at sunset and ending at nightfall on Jan. 31.

Chairs of the event were Tama Tamarkin and Miriam Zager.

The holiday is the New Year of the Trees or the Jewish Arbor Day.

See additional photos on page A16.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ANITA HIRSCHElysse Teichman prepares a fruit basket with other Temple Beth El Sisterhood members to be given to local Jewish seniors.