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East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania

Several local residents earned degrees from East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania at winter commencement recently. They are Alejandra Castaneda, Bachelor of Science in Psychology; Anthony Castillo, Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice; Robert Comins, Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science; Julia Gleason, Bachelor of Science in Psychology; Alexandra Harte, Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Early Child Education (PreK-4); Tyler Koch, Bachelor of Science in Recreation Services Management; Michael Leddy, Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Technologies; Kathryn Martin, Bachelor of Science in Hotel Restaurant and Tourism Management; Megan Martinez, Magna Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science; Samantha Miller, Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science; Alina Rivera, Magna Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Nursing; Ethan Sinko, Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Sport Management; Reynaldo Soto, Bachelor of Science in Biology; Michael Stefanik, Magna Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice; Emily Wallis, Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies; Joselyn Correa-Melendez, Master of Pubic Health in Public Health; Jessica Cressman, Master of Education in Teaching the Developing Child; Jonathan Deleon, Master of Arts in History; and Michae’La Riddick, Master of Science in Health Education, all of the Bethlehem area; and Samuel Piazza, Bachelor of Science in Business Management; of Fountain Hill.

Submit graduation items to gtaylor@tnonline.com, fax 610-740-0947 or mail it to College graduates, c/o Bethlehem Press, 1633 N. 26 St.,Allentown, PA 18104.