ASO Classics: The Allentown Symphony Orchestra “Classical Series” continues with “Scheherazade and Paganini Rhapsody,” 7:30 p.m. Feb. 10, and 3 p.m. Feb. 11, Miller Symphony Hall, Allentown. Russian composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Scheherazade” violin solo is performed by ASO Concertmaster Eliezer Gutman. Chinese composer Zhou Tian’s “The Palace of Nine Perfections” is inspired by a Chinese painting of the same name. Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini” is performed by ASO guest pianist Joyce Yang, above. “Meet the Artist,” free, noon Feb. 9, Miller Symphony Hall: ASO Music Director-Conductor Diane Wittry, soloist Joyce Yang, conducting fellow Kalena Bovell. Bring lunch. Concert tickets: Miller Symphony Hall Box Office, 23 N. Sixth St., Allentown; allentownsymphony.org; 610-432-6715. Free student tickets, underwritten by the Century Fund, are available for Allentown Symphony Orchestra concerts.
ELO Classics: Electric Light Orchestra toured 1971 - 1986. ELO Part 2 toured 1990 - 2000. In 2001, ELO Part 2 started performing as The Orchestra, which performs at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 9, State Theatre for the Arts, Easton. Members of The Orchestra include former members of ELO and ELO Part 2: Mik Kaminski, violin; Louis Clark, keyboards; Eric Troyer, keyboards; Parthenon Huxley, lead guitar; Glen Burtnik, bass; Gordon Townsend, drummer, playing ELO hits “Evil Woman,” “Strange Magic,” “Livin’ Thing,” “Do Ya,” “Sweet Talkin’ Woman,” “Telephone Line,” and more. Tickets: State Theatre Center for the Arts box office, 453 Northampton St., Easton; statetheatre.org; 1-800-999-7828; 610-252-3132.
SFX Classics: Discover the science and secrets of movie magic with “The Hollywood Special FX Show,” 4 p.m. Feb. 10, State Theatre Center for the Arts, Easton. Professionals who’ve worked on “The Dark Knight Rises,” “Guardians Of The Galaxy,” “Phantom Of The Opera” and “Game Of Thrones” provde insight into the world of special effects. The audience will feel the heat from an onstage inferno, marvel at gruesome sci-fi monsters, be blown away by apocalyptic weather and will hold on tight through huge explosions. Act one concludes with a life-size T-Rex skeleton that looms over the front rows of the audience. The debris cannon in the finale can fire a projectile more than one-quarter mile. Tickets: State Theatre Center for the Arts box office, 453 Northampton St., Easton; statetheatre.org; 1-800-999-7828; 610-252-3132.