Published February 01. 2018 11:00PM
In celebration of the Pennsylvania-German holiday, “Groundhog Day,” anthropologist Dr. William Donner of Kutztown University will present a slide-lecture, “Ethnic & American: Three Centuries of Pennsylvania German Experience,” 1 p.m. Feb. 3, Lehigh Valley Heritage Museum, 432 W. Walnut St., Allentown.
“Dr. Donner’s talk offers a fascinating look at the process by which the Pennsylvania-Germans maintained their unique culture while becoming American,” said Joseph Garrera, Executive Director of the Museum.
Donner, who received a PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, is a Professor of Anthropology at Kutztown University. Copies of Donner’s recent book, “Serious Nonsense: Groundhog Lodges, Versammlinge, and Pennsylvania German Heritage,” will be available for purchase and signing.
Information:; 610-435-1074