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Salisbury Township School District Superintendent Dr. Randy Ziegenfuss noted January is School Board Recognition Month at the Jan. 17 meeting.

“We recognize the important commitment of your time and talents to this board in helping us move our organization forward. We would not be what we are without you,” Ziegenfuss said.

Ziegenfuss noted there will be a more formal recognition by the students and staff during the curriculum and technology meeting Jan. 29 at Harry S Truman Elementary School.

Board President Frank Frankenfield thanked Ziegenfuss for the recognition.

“Thank you, we appreciate your professionalism and working with the administration on a regular basis.”

The board approved $1,459,413.02 for general fund expenditures Dec. 13, 2017 through Jan. 19.

Members of the board also approved athletic expenditures of $33,136.46, capital improvement expenditures of $4,463.97 and laptop account expenditures of $1,750.50 Dec. 9, 2017 through Jan. 19.

Board Secretary Robert Bruchak said the finance department has been hard at work getting the W-2 forms out to the district’s employees and have all the compliance paperwork pertaining to the Affordable Care Act completed.

The district also completed and submitted the 2016-2017 audit.

For the curriculum and technology committee, the board approved an overnight trip for the Future Business Leaders of America students to Hershey April 8 to 11, as well as an indoor twirling trip for a competition in Wildwood, N.J. May 3 to 6.

Director Carol Klinger also asked members of the board for approval of Cedar Crest College student Danielle Eastgate as a student teacher with science teacher Megan Basile. The board approved the motion.

The board also approved a letter of agreement between Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 and the district, a teacher equity plan and a special education settlement agreement and release for a student.

The board also approved the district’s automobile, boiler and machinery, legal coverage and insurance policies.

Bruchak noted there weren’t any increases to the expense of the coverages.

The board also approved the local audit for the 2017 fiscal year.

Personnel changes approved by the board include the resignations of Ross Cooper as a full-time supervisor of instructional practice at the administration building and Edward Spaadt as a part-time cafeteria worker.

The board also approved the revision of employment for reading specialist Jessica Bean, a general leave extension, Tracy Buttillo as a substitute teacher at Harry S Truman Elementary School, home study for a student and program mentors.

Coaches approved during the meeting include Patrick O’Connor as the middle school swim advisor and Alexander Diamond as a volunteer swim coach.

Justin Torres was approved to the voluntary position of assistant middle school softball coach.

Policy Committee Chairperson Director Audrey Frick asked and received approval of the updated FMLA changes.

Director Joseph Gnall, student activities chairperson said he, Monica Deeb, Ziegenfuss and Assistant Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten are exploring how to incorporate student activities in the Profile of a Graduate.

“What do we want our athlete-students to walk away with from their experience at Salisbury?” Gnall asked.

The board approved the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit general operating budget, the exchange of real estate for the new Lehigh Carbon Community College campus at Sixth and Linden streets and the debt service and capital expenditures for the college.

Board Vice President Samuel DeFrank noted he is excited about the move, having designated parking and a facility with enhanced Wi-Fi and programs.

According to DeFrank, while other colleges in the area are suffering from a decline in enrollment, LCCC has increased by one percent.

Frankenfield reminded and encouraged members of the board to attend the Lehigh Career and Technical Institute Skills USA competition Jan. 31. Salisbury students will be involved in the competition.

Director Susan Lea said the Pennsylvania School Boards Association has replaced the “No Student Left Behind Act” with the “Every Student Succeeds Act.” In her PSBA Legislative Policy Council report, Lea said the change was just approved and the focus is on changing standardized testing.

Lea said another PSBA item is Senate Bill 2 which is an act to amend the Public School Code concerning education savings accounts, or vouchers. While this does not impact the district directly, Lea pointed out it could open the doors for other amendments which could hamper the district’s efforts.

Lea remarked the district will address the issue in a resolution. Ziegenfuss noted a draft of the resolution will be presented at the February operations committee meeting.

Regarding teaching and learning, Fuini-Hetten said she and Ziegenfuss attended and presented Salisbury’s vision at the Lehigh University Study Council during the week of Jan. 8.

Salisbury, continued Fuini-Hetten, is also a member of the Lehigh Valley Consortium for Excellence and Equity. The consortium focuses on inequities within the district.

Ziegenfuss mentioned he and Fuini-Hetten met with PSBA Advocacy Ambassador Tom Seidenberger to discuss bringing advocacy “down to the board level.”

Bruchak joined Ziegenfuss and Fuini-Hetten for a meeting with U.S. Rep. Charles Dent, R-15th, as well as State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-134th and representatives from Sen. Pat Toomey’s office.

According to Ziegenfuss, the meeting was to “reintroduce Salisbury Township School District and change Salisbury’s story.”

With Coordinator of Technology Chris Smith, the district is working with students at the high school to create a social media advisory, according to Ziegenfuss. The advisory will investigate how students can get Salisbury’s message to the public using social media.

Ziegenfuss said Public Education Week is coming up in February.

Administrators had the opportunity to share Salisbury’s thoughts through a Podcast on the differences between management and leadership, according to Fuini-Hetten.

Fuini-Hetten also stated that at a state conference, the district shared two sessions on learner centered environments and leadership.

Ziegenfuss closed the meeting by saying the district Super Power recognition held monthly continues to focus on the skills of Salisbury’s staff and those recognized for their attributes are posted on the district Facebook page.