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Living Stone ordains associate pastor

A five-year member of the Living Stone Fellowship, Jaime Gonzalez, was chosen, first by God and then by the church board, as associate pastor of the church.

From neighboring churches came members of a Presbytery - pastors and church members getting together to ordain the new person.

As Gonzalez is an employee of Allentown, Mayor Ed Pawloski, attended the ceremony.

Living Stone Pastor Jean Masiko asked God to be in their midst.

The program began with lunch and extra tables had to be set up, and then more tables.

“There’s a good turnout,” church member Irene Johnson said.

The Spanish-speaking associate pastor invited several Spanish speakers to the church.

Church members and an interpreter was on hand to translate for some members of the Presbytery who spoke in Spanish.

On the wall is a Jewish flag because the church realizes its Christian church is descended from the Hebrew.

Music was by Faye Zellner on the keyboard and Rosalyn Tomedea on violin.

“We’re so glad to see so many,” Masiko said. “We love all churches. We’re so glad we have so many churches represented.”

She said the service was totally home spirited.

“Following the service there is more food,” she told the congregation. “We have testimony and music. It’s a special day set aside for the Kingdom of God.

“It is such an amazing day with the gift of prophecy brought by the Presbytery. We believe in unity. I know the angels are filling this house.

The opening prayer by Masiko began, “We are so grateful for your love. You cheer us on to bring heaven to earth. We dedicate this service to you.

“We are here to ordain an associate pastor. The word ‘ordain’ is not in the New Testament. In Greek it means to ‘appoint.’”

“ppoint is still a call. The church appoints whom God has already called.

“Jaime grew up in Ecuador. On Jan. 14 God would call him. It was part of the plan from the beginning. God calls men and we affirm the call.

“The ordination does not give special powers, just recognition.

Elder Vince Pasquale said they talked of an associate pastor at board meetings but then in spring the time was right.

“The Holy Spirit said we were to keep it open for three months,” Pasquale said. “When apostle Everton came from Canada he anointed him pastor.

Gonzales was given an application.

“Jaime, be assured this is God’s voice calling you,” Everton told him, “My church and your church are bonded with love.

“The ordination is a manifestation of that coming help. You should keep inspiring the church. You are an evangelist of God.

“This is the beginning of something awesome.”

Masiko introduced Gonzalez to the congregation.

“Thank you Lord for your sweet Jaime,” she said. “Make him your vessel of love and peace.

“Each member of the Presbytery prayed and prophesied over the candidate for associate pastor.

“He was told it gives him more responsibilities and to place his cares on God. You’re in service to the King.”

This was followed by a laying on of hands.

Masiko said, “Go forth in the name of Jesus. We anoint you in the name of the living God.

Elder Joel Masiko presented Gonzalez with the ordination certificate and the pastor added some gifts.

“It will be a celebration from now to eternity,” Masiko said.

Pastor Ralph Witcher blew the shofar, a Jewish instrument made from a ram’s horn, to conclude the program.

Mom Jessica Gamble brought her son, Daniel, to the installation ceremony.