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Light agenda at Lynn

The Lynn Township December 2017, closeout meeting was a short one.

A few items were on the agenda, though, and they were addressed.

The well waiver discussed at a previous meeting was again on the agenda.

The board decided to grant approval if some conditions were met.

These included: the township be indemnified; the type of system and distance from septic system to well must be stated; and the waiver and all pertinent information need to be recorded with the property deed.

If any of the conditions could not be met by the reorganization meeting on Jan. 2, a 60-day time extension would be allowed.

S.E.O. Scott Bieber was asked to bring this information to the board for the reorganization meeting.

Lighting quotes will be requested from Selig Electric, Titus Kaufman and Kelly Electric.

The proposal would cover replacement of the existing outdated lighting in the township office building and garages.

Secretary Tammy White was instructed to research dates that would be suitable for the township appreciation dinner.

She will contact New Tripoli and Lynnport fire companies about two dates in February.