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The annual reorganization meeting of Alburtis Borough Council began with Mayor and Council President Pro Tempore Kathleen Palmer administering the oath of office to recently elected incumbent councilpersons Kathleen Raines and Steven Hill and newly elected council members Vanessa Taggart and Hector Vasquez.

Following nominations, council voted Ron DeIaco – president; Hill – vice president; Raines – second vice president and Steve Mehl – chairperson of the vacancy board. Raines was approved as check signer, to replace John Aleszczyk.

The meeting was then turned over to DeIaco who called for and received the approval of Resolution No. 2018-1 appointing the officers of borough council as President, DeIaco; Vice President, Hill; Second Vice President, Raines and Mehl as chairperson of the vacancy board.

Council approved Resolution No. 2018-2 appointing Sharon Trexler as borough manager; Tracy Malinowski as borough treasurer; David Knerr as borough solicitor; Ott Consulting, Inc. as borough engineer; Chris A. DeFrain as fiscal consultant; David Kutzor as zoning officer; Barry Isett and Associates as construction code inspector and enforcement official and property maintenance code enforcement official.

Resolution No. 2018-3 was adopted by borough council appointing Raines to the Alburtis Pension Committee to fill a vacancy.

Borough council committee chairpersons were designated as follows: highway committee, Sherryann Oels; sewer committee, Vazquez; water committee, Hill; budget/property/insurance committee, Stephen Kaufman; public health/safety/sanitation, Raines; policy/personnel/recycling committee, Taggart. All chairpersons were advised of their committee’s members.

Council went into an executive session about 7:25 p.m. to discuss bids received on repaving and curbing Walnut Street and the meeting was continued about 7:30 p.m.

Council passed a motion to reject all bids received and put bids out again.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:35 p.m. Council meets again 7 p.m. Jan. 10.

PRESS PHOTO BY LORETTA FENSTERMACHERNewly elected Alburtis Borough Council members Hector Vazquez and Vanessa Taggart and incumbents Steven Hill and Kathleen Raines are sworn in by Alburtis Mayor Kathleen Palmer at the Alburtis Borough Council meeting Jan. 2.