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Council approves new part-time police officer

Northampton Police Chief Bryan Kadingo requested and received permission to hire Jake R. Charles as a part-time borough police officer. The unanimous vote of the Northampton Borough Council came at council’s Dec. 7, 2017, meeting.

Charles is a Whitehall Township resident and graduate of Whitehall High School. He has completed Act 120 training and must complete the required physical and psychological certifications before beginning work with the department.

In other police news, a new stop sign will be installed in the borough. It will be located on Cherry Street, for northbound traffic only, at the intersection with Universal Court. Kadingo had evaluated traffic concerns at the intersection following a recommendation from council.

Also at the meeting, council approved a request from Kadingo for permission to have Officer Dennis Smith attend a grant-writing class. The enrollment fee is $450. The class will take place Jan. 29-31 at the Palmer Township Police Department. Featured in the class will be information specific to writing grant applications for police department activities.

Kadingo also reported to council members that the Lehigh Township Board of Supervisors has offered an opportunity for Northampton police to use the booking center in Lehigh Township instead of the one they currently use in Easton, where delays are frequent.

“We’d have to pay a fee,” Kadingo reported.

The chief recommended not accepting the offer, even though the Lehigh center is closer to Northampton. He said if the booking takes place in Lehigh Township, a suspect requiring incarceration would still have to be transported to Easton after the booking.

He said the department should continue using the center in Easton.

“It’s been working pretty well for us,” he said

Council concurred and voted to decline the offer.

Council members and Kadingo also expressed gratitude for a $1,000 donation from the NAM Knights of America Lehigh Chapter. The funds will be used to support the department’s K-9 unit.

PRESS PHOTO BY LINDA WOJCIECHOWSKINorthampton Police Chief Bryan Kadingo congratulates Jake R. Charles after Northampton Borough Council voted to approve him as a part-time member of the borough police department. The vote took place at the Dec. 7, 2017, borough council meeting.