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Focus reviewed 35 plays in 2017

There were 35 theater reviews of Lehigh Valley region stage shows published in 2017 in the Press newspapers and web sites.

The list includes the date the review was published and the name of the reviewer.

The theater reviews are archived on the Focus page of the Press web sites.

You can read the reviews by going to any of the eight Press web sites and doing a search by play title, theater group and-or date published:


Here’s the list of plays reviewed in 2017 in the Focus print section and-or web site pages:

“The Explorer’s Club,” Pennsylvania Playhouse, Feb. 1. Carole Gorney

“9 to 5,” Civic Theatre of Allentown, Feb. 17. Carole Gorney

“The Complete and Authoritative Tour of Holy Stuff,” Touchstone Theatre, March 10. Paul Willistein

“Pints, Pounds and Pilgrims,” Crowded Kitchen Players,” March 15. Carole Gorney

“You Can’t Take It With You,” Pennsylvania Playhouse,” April 7. Carole Gorney

“Church Basement Ladies,” The Pines Dinner Theatre, April 21. Carole Gorney

“Young Frankenstein,” DeSales University, April 29. Paul Willistein “Angels in America: Part One: Millennium Approaches,” Civic Theatre of Allentown, May 9. Carole Gorney

“Angels in America: Part Two: Perestroika,” Civic Theatre of Allentown, May 17. Carole Gorney

“The Ice Princess,” Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, June 16. Ellen Wilson

“Puttin’ On the Ritz: A Salute to the Golden Age of the Silver Screen,” The Pines Dinner Theatre, June 16. Ed Courrier

“Blood Brothers,” Pennsylvania Playhouse, June 16. Makenna Masenheimer

“12ness,” The Crowded Kitchen Players, June 16. Paul Willistein

“Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story,” Bucks County Playhouse, June 16. Paul Willistein

“Evita,” The Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, June 19. Paul Willistein

“Hair,” Muhlenberg Summer Music Theater, June 19. Paul Willistein

“The Hound of the Baskervilles,” Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, June 28. Paul Willistein

“My Fair Lady,” Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre. Paul, July 17. Paul Willistein

“The Three Musketeers,” Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, July 20. Paul Willistein

“The Bikinis,” Pines Dinner Theatre, July 27. Carole Gorney

“Wild,” Muhlenberg Summer Music Theatre, July 25. Luke Muench

“As You Like It,” Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. July 26. Paul Willistein

“Troilus And Cressida,” Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival, Aug. 2. Paul Willistein

“Sister Act,” Pennsylvania Playhouse, Aug. 18. Carole Gorney

“Always ... Patsy Cline,” Pines Dinner Theatre, Sept. 29. Carole Gorney

“Act One,” Crowded Kitchen Players, Oct. 20, Carole Gorney

“Secret Garden,” Civic Theatre of Allentown, Oct. 13. Carole Gorney

“The Lion In Winter,” Pennsylvania Playhouse, Oct. 26. Luke Muench

“Sunday in the Park with George,” Muhlenberg College, Nov. 4. Paul Willistein

“Over the River and Through the Woods,” Pines Dinner Theatre, Nov. 24. Carole Gorney

“A Christmas Carol,” Civic Theatre of Allentown, Dec. 6. Carole Gorney

“White Christmas,” Munopco, Dec. 6. Carole Gorney

“The Happy Elf,” Pennsylvania Playhouse, Dec. 6. Carole Gorney

“Christmas City Follies XVIII,” Touchstone Theatre Dec. 2. Carole Gorney

“The SantaLand Diaries,” Civic Theatre of Allentown. Luke Muench