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En Glee Bissell des un Sell A Little Bit of This and That

Ich winsch dire en scheenes Neies Yaahr

Un fiel so noch mitnanner,

Genunk vun Pannhaas,

Schnitz un Gnepp

Un Warscht Gschpiced mit Kaeyanner.

Vun Sauergraut en Schtenner voll

So gut wie annera Yaahre,

Un os die Mommie’s kocht wie schunscht

Mit Sei-fies, Schpeck un Ohre!

I wish you a nice New Year

And many more together.

Enough scrapple, apples and dumplings

And sausage spiced with coriander.

With a tub full of sauerkraut

As good as other years,

Just as Mommie cooked or else

With pigs feet, bacon and (pigs) ears!


Editor’s note: En nei Yaahr’s Winsch, a New Year’s Wish from 1990, by the late Leonard E. Shupp (1922-2008), Pa. German historian.