At the Macungie Borough Council meeting Dec. 18, the 2018 budget passed with a 5-1 vote. The nay vote came from Councilman Greg Hutchison who opposes the budget for the police along with some other issues. The budget calls for a 1/2 mill tax increase.
Some of the items of interest that helped increase taxes are engineering services for $49,500, legal services $4,500, building maintenance $3,600 and post retirement medical benefits fund $25,000. Savings in this budget include the Macungie Institute coordinator position $15,522 (part-time now) ,solid waste management $70,870 and vehicle maintenance repair $4,455.
An executive session was held over a personnel matter.
Another session was held to interview a potential administrative assistant. Cindy Hartzell was elected to the tax collector position and has retired from her borough position. The new administrative assistant was named. Her name is Selma Ritter.
Tim Brown was named as the new coordinator for the Macungie Institute. Karen Holt was thanked for her time as coordinator. Brown considers the Institute as a “very special place.” Brown suggested “looking to the future as we remember the past.”
Brown already re-introduced the Institute Facebook page with members of the page increasing by 100 in a short time. He will continue to post on the page items that are of interest particularly about the Institute. Brown hopes to engage local businesses in the Institute.
Township Manager Chris Boehm said she cannot help but be enthused by the ideas for the Institute.
Residents from the Brookfield neighborhood complained about people who do not stop at stop signs. It is a concern especially when children are boarding and disembarking school buses. The residents also drew up a petition to limit vehicles parking in this area. They want a weight limit established at 10,000 pounds for parking on these streets.
The traffic light at Church and Main streets should be installed soon. Phase 2 of the streetscape plan will also begin soon.
Insurance became a discussion. Bailey and Associates, a borough business, has covered the borough but Brown and Brown, proposed a better rate and are now the new insurance company for the borough. Savings will be approximately $11,000.