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The Nov. 29 meeting of the Alburtis Borough Council began with public comment from resident Jason Bartos who raised questions regarding a property at 425 Franklin St. which failed inspection. Council explained the property was put up for sale and repairs will be made.

Bartos mentioned the numerous fire hazards in the property. Council discussed having the borough engineer, Barry Isett and Associates, take a look at the attic wiring.

Council then talked about the unemployment compensation solvency fee with a cost of over $1,500. Council decided it was not needed.

Another topic discussed was a correspondence from Lower Macungie Township regarding a 190-foot cellphone tower to be placed on the Alburtis Gun Club property. The correspondence said it was decided Verizon and ATT could co-locate a 190-foot cellphone tower on the Alburtis Gun Club at the Lower Macungie Township Zoning Board meeting.

Council approved a motion to look into a Pennsylvania small water and sewer grant.

There was a discussion about the property at 128 W. Second St. The property is owned by a bank and has multiple violations being worked on with the inspectors. The property had been abandoned.

Council made a motion and voted unanimously to prepare a resolution and an ordinance to adopt the SW Comprehensive Plan.

It was announced Richard Kulbaba is the newest member of the zoning hearing board.

The bird sanctuary, behind the properties on School and Thomas streets, is co-owned by the borough and a trust. The trust informed the borough it is willing to deed the entire property over to the borough as long as it will not be developed and remain recreational. Council instructed Borough Manager Sharon Trexler to write a letter saying it would not be developed.

Council talked about the Alburtis Holiday Festival Dec. 3. The fun run was canceled due to a lack of interest.

Council held an executive session with no action taken.

The next meeting will be held 7 p.m. Dec. 13. Meetings are held on the second and last Wednesdays of the month at Alburtis Borough Hall.