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Historical Society

GOV. wolf:

The Governor Wolf Historical Society holds its monthly “Tavern Night,” 7-10 p.m. Dec. 8, at the society’s campus, 6600 Jacksonville Road, Bath.

The event includes an evening of music, colonial craftsmen and spirit tastings in the candlelit ambiance of three historic buildings.

Listen to the Celtic sounds of Seasons in the historic Ralston-McKeen House. The piano stylings of Steve Meyers will be featured in the 1785 Wolf Academy.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Admission is for those 21 or older.

Doors open at 6:30 pm.

The Governor Wolf Historical Society holds its annual Christmas Concert, 7 p.m. Dec. 10 in the Wolf Academy on the society campus.

The Celtic band, Seasons will present a program of Christmas music. The family of musicians plays Celtic harp, hammered dulcimer, violin, mandolin, guitar, bodhran and penny whistle.

Seating is limited. There’s a suggested donation for admission.

Tickets are expected to be available at the door, but for reservations email: contact@govwolf.org, or call 610-837-9015.

There’s a suggested donation.