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Frisbee suggests audit for rec commission

Leslie Frisbie, Northwestern Lehigh business administrator, and Rob Thompson, EHD Insurance Company, attended the Nov. 29 meeting of the Northwestern Recreation Commission.

Frisbie recommended the commission have an audit done and said if combined with the school the price will be reasonable.

Christie Steigerwalt of the business department is treasurer for the commission.

Bonding for Steigerwalt is not covered for the commission, which was the question that brought up the subject of an insurance review.

“Rob (Thompson) understands what you want to do,” Frisbie said.

President Don Link said insurance has not been reviewed often and the previous insurer is no longer in the district.

Thompson said he could be on the same page taking the policies over as is until the March renewal date when they can go to the marketplace. He said he has a statewide organization but he works with the 10 Northeast Pennsylvania districts.

“We delve into the needs, problems and risks,” he said. “As I understand it ‘Night’ is the biggest fundraiser. A lot of cash goes through.

“Imagine the risk of someone walking off with the money.”

He said they would discuss what you don’t need and what you do, showing them what they need compared with what they can use.

Link said circumstances changed. Thompson said a small organization cannot get the attention a larger organization may receive.

Commission member Justin Smith of Lynn Township said he liked the concept of going with the school or with Heidelberg Township.

Link said Thompson should come to a meeting on an annual basis. Thompson said it should be done 60-90 days before renewal.

Frisbie said she could pass on information and that the audit they need should be by a CPA, not elected auditors.

She asked if Steigerwalt would continue as treasurer and was assured she would.

Bonding will be purchased at either $150,000 or $250,000.

A motion was made by rec commission members and approved to change brokers.

Kathy Hermany, Night in the Country committee chair, said due to the weather profit came $9,000 under previous years.

Next year’s ‘Night’ is scheduled for Aug. 18. Rain date is Nov. 19.

Link thanked her and said without her help there would be no Night.

He said they have gotten nowhere on the field damage. Smith said his police contact will follow up, but Link said they should consider going ahead on their own by sending a certified letter requesting a quarter of the money from each of the four people involved.

Bids received for the repair are $1,500 and $3,500.

Member Steve Bachman of Heidelberg Township said they could go to a magistrate.

Frank Chukoskie of the Northwestern Youth Athletic Association said there is a police officer with an office in the school.

Member Linda Gorgas of Weisenberg Township said they should go ahead and not wait the two months until the January 2018 meeting.

Bachman said if money is not collected, they should prosecute.

Jim Hughes, maintenance, said the best estimate for trimming trees in the park came from KING At Your Service, Kempton.

He said dead branches would be removed from the trees along the creek because they may prove a danger.

Meeting dates for 2018 remain as the last Wednesday of each month: Jan. 31, Feb. 28, March 28, April 25, May 30, June 27, July 25, Aug. 29, Sept. 26, Oct. 31 and Nov. 28. There is no December meeting.

Brian Carl of Weisenberg was thanked for applying for the walking trail grant in the amount of $60,000. Money received from Nestle Waters will be added to it before any other financing is considered.

Link gave what he called his end of meetings speech.

“Thank you for giving up one night a month. What we do is important to the community,” Link said. “I sat here with a lot of faces in the approximately 15 years I’ve been here. I hope you people stay on the commission.

“Thank you, Jim (Hughes), for a good job. The NYAA relationship has come a long way.

“It is a job none of us has to do but it’s worth it.”