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Bethlehem resident Samantha X. Dorney, a Libertarian, is seeking the 133rd Legislative District seat in the Dec. 5 special election.

“Voters of the 133rd District have a unique opportunity to send a message to Harrisburg,” according to Dorney.

“While Republicans and Democrats in the legislature continue to play games with the budget, choosing special interests on both sides of the aisle, district residents can choose an independent citizen who answers to them and them alone.”

Dorney said she is a middle-class working mother, teacher, coach, official, environmentalist, hunter and animal lover, among other things, adding she understands the needs and concerns of her constituents and the importance of working with community stakeholders.

As a teacher in a Title 1 school, as well as a graduate-level art therapy student, Dorney said she has extensive experience working with diverse populations, including a large faction of minority, special education and low socioeconomic status families. Through her work, she has participated in fiscally responsible budget preparation, equitable discipline, logistical planning, faculty evaluation, data-driven decision making, community-building initiatives and school improvements that have contributed to gains in student achievement, attendance and behavior statistics.

Dorney said she has spent countless hours volunteering - most notably rescuing slaughter-bound horses and volunteering for USA Hockey, where she spearheaded mentoring programs, collaborated with international colleagues, provided training, development and evaluation of fellow officials and maintained a judicial demeanor that models sportsmanship and ethical treatment of others.

As the Libertarian nominee for the special election, Dorney said she will embody the Libertarian philosophy of “live and let live.”

“I will tirelessly work to ensure my constituents in Lehigh County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are restored their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” she said, in launching her campaign.

“My first term will be epitomized by championing the Constitution and expanding personal liberties while advocating nonpartisan unity in both the legislature and the community.

“We must afford our fellow man the opportunity to live and love as they please without government infringement on the inalienable rights our forefathers built this nation upon,” Dorney said.

Libertarian Samantha X. Dorney is seeking the 133rd Legislative District seat in the Dec. 5 special election.