Discussion of the service provided by garbage hauler J.P. Mascaro dominated the Nov. 20 Emmaus Borough Council meeting.
Emmaus Borough Manager Shane Pepe said Mascaro has not only missed pickups but also has not picked up garbage well into Wednesdays.
The current contract with Mascaro calls for garbage to be put curbside Tuesday evenings with pickup by 4 a.m. Wednesday mornings. Pepe said the problem started in August as soon as the borough approved Mascaro’s contract.
Pepe, board members and office staff have been deluged with emails, letters and telephone calls from residents complaining about garbage pickup.
Pepe said he needs hard data and facts to end the current contract.
Representatives of Mascaro will be at the Dec. 4 council meeting.
In other business, council unanimously approved new personnel policies. New hires will enjoy a progressive pay policy which periodically grants raises until the employee reaches the top pay for a particular job.
In addition, part-time employees will receive time and a half pay for working on holidays.
Councilman Wesley Barrett noted it has been difficult to recruit and retain EMS part timers when other municipalities are already offering time and a half pay for holidays.
Council members put off the approval of several community board members until January 2018.
Don Nickerson will be reappointed as an alternate to the zoning hearing board. Yanitza Taylor will be appointed to the Emmaus Public Library board. Nancy O’Keefe will be reappointed to the library board of trustees. Jean Nagle will be reappointed to the library board of trustees.
The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 7 p.m. Dec. 4 in borough hall.