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At the Nov. 15 Salisbury Township School District board meeting, coaches and advisors were recognized for over 15 years of service to the district by Director Joseph Gnall and Director of Student Activities Monica Deeb.

Recognized were Mike Pochron with 35 years, Mark Allinson with 27 years, Stephen Hillaire with 24 years, Barry Frick with 22 years, Rick Babyak with 21 years, Mike Barna with 20 years, Stan Griffis with 18 years, Scott Heppenheimer with 18 years, Paul Koba with 17 years, Gregory Laub with 17 years and Rachel Reinecke with 16 years.

Koba, Barna, Frick and Allinson were in attendance and received their awards.

“Having strong leadership from a good coach ... sets quite an example for our young athletes,” Gnall said.

Gail W. Zapf, retiring administrative assistant at the high school, was recognized for her 18 years in the district.

In other business, the board approved the additional course offerings for the music curriculum for the 2018-2019 school year.

The board also approved the assignment of the June 30 fund balance for the following purposes: non-spendable fund balance - $111,497 (comprised of $50,000 inventory value and $61,497 of prepaid expense); committed fund balance - $1,207,782 (compensated absences); assigned fund balance $1,405,587 (comprised of $366,120 to balance the 2017-2018 budget, $600,000 - capital projects and $439,467 - PSERS stabilization. The total “assigned” fund balance is $3,945,742; the total “unassigned” fund balance is $2,450,621 and the total fund balance is $6,396,363.

Salisbury Youth Association was approved to use the gymnasium and cafeteria at Salisbury High School 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 21, 2018 for wrestling meets.

In personnel news, Karen Orlemann resigned as a part-time, one-to-one instructional assistant at SHS.

Megan Martignetti was approved as a part-time, four hours a day, one-to-one instructional assistant at Harry S Truman Elementary School effective Nov. 28, Laura McGinley-Fellechner, was approved as a part-time, four hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at HST effective Dec. 4, Cory Cesare was approved as a part-time, four hours a day, one-to-one instructional assistant at Salisbury Middle School effective Nov. 20 and Jessyca Ligh was approved as a part-time, four hours a day one-to-one instructional assistant at SHS effective Nov. 20 - all pending completion of requirements.

Mackenzie Sikora was approved as the assistant swimming coach for the 2017-2018 school year pending completion of requirements.

Michael Silberman was approved as a gameworker for the 2017-2018 school term.

Jake Kovach was approved as a volunteer boys basketball coach. David Spadt was approved, pending completion of requirements, as a volunteer boys basketball coach for the 2017-2018 school term. Caitlin Hrebik was approved as a volunteer girls basketball coach for the 2017-2018 school term, pending completion of requirements.

The board approved the following policies: board member conflict of interest; suicide awareness, education, prevention and response; service animals; records retention/destruction; integrated pest management; certification/licensure; uncompensated leave; sabbatical leaves; bereavement leave; conflict of interest; tuition reimbursement/professional development; drug and alcohol-free workplace; smoking and tobacco use; right to know; acceptable use of school technology; acceptable use of the Internet and school network and Title 1 parent and family engagement.

Director Susan Lea provided a report on the Pennsylvania School Boards Association legislative policy council stating the referendum passed to eliminate property tax; Lea said nothing was to happen immediately. Lea also reported Act 55 has passed which has a number of changes to the public school codes including mandated trainings for new and returning school directors and a delay on the mandated Keystone exams to the 2019-2020 school year.

Resident Josh Staack spoke during citizen’s comments asking for the board to consider giving credits for students participating in the music programs. He also asked for the board to consider providing a more robust STEM program at the high school.

Resident Julian Phillips commented on the new sidewalks recently completed along Gaskill Avenue by HST. He said there are no ramps for disabled residents or parents with strollers. “Please add an extra thought to those who don’t use two legs,” Phillips said.

Both were thanked for their comments.

PRESS PHOTO BY DEBBIE GALBRAITHCoaches and advisors with 15 or more years of service to the district are honored at the Nov. 15 Salisbury Township School District Board of Directors meeting. Pictured are, left to right: Director Joseph Gnall, Paul Koba, Mike Pochron, Barry Frick, Mark Allinson, Mike Barna and Director of Student Activities Monica Deeb.