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Moravian College will host an immediate decision day 10:30 a.m. Nov. 29. Interested juniors and seniors must obtain a pass from the school counseling office at least one day prior to the college visit.

A number of summer enrichment opportunities are available. More information can be found on the school website under guidance. The application deadline for all programs is Feb. 15, 2018, but students are encouraged to apply early.

Finally, SalisburyHigh School will hold its annual winter concert 7 p.m. Nov. 30. Come support the SHS chorus and band.

On Nov. 15, the SHS Debate Team participated in its second debate for the season. After winning five debates and losing three in the Nov. 8 debate, the team improved their score, winning seven debates and losing one. So far, the team is second in the league. They will now switch topics for their next two debates which will occur in late January 2018.

Unlike the first topic of whether or not the United States should re-implement a Fairness Doctrine, the next topic is whether or not the United States prison system should have solitary confinement.

On Nov. 22, students will enjoy a half day of school to start the Thanksgiving break. All students will have off Nov. 23, 24 and 27. School will resume Nov. 28.

Enjoy winter sports? The season for many of SHS’s winter sports will soon begin. Both the swimming team and rifle team have begun practicing. Basketball and cheerleading have begun their open gym practice and will start their seasons shortly. Check the sports schedule to find out more information about game dates.