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Lower Macungie Middle School Theatre will present William Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16, 17 and 18 in the middle school auditorium.

This romantic comedy is considered one of Shakespeare’s most popular, lightest and most musical comedies.

Written around 1601, the plot is centered around a shipwrecked survivor, a love triangle and ducal nobility of Illyria. “Twelfth Night” makes reference to the 12th night after Christmas day which marks the holiday Epiphany.

Bethany Brown and Delvis Martinez are stage managers for the production directed by Patrick Campbell. Bethany has participated in LMMS theater since she started sixth grade. She describes her experience in theater as “really cool, a great experience. I just like seeing the whole show come together, from just reading of the scripts to really feeling the characters. Mr. Campbell is great – best director! Before the characters were just reading the script. It’s supposed to be funny and now they’re making me crack up just watching them.”

As stage manager, Bethany assists actors with their lines and as they progress, she works backstage with curtain calls. Bethany hopes the audiences see how much effort they have put into the play and that “it really came out pretty great.”

Delvis is in the tech booth calling cues for lights and sound. First time as stage manager, Delvis has previously been part of the stage crew and acting. He said he really likes theater and was introduced to theater by his three older brothers who participated in LMMS productions. They inspired Delvis to get involved, which Delvis said “is like your second family.” He has made friends and likes interacting with other students.

“Mr. Campbell is amazing! Not only is he a great director, he will show you how to act and you will be like ‘whoa he can act!’”

Delvis is enjoying this play especially watching the actors go from reading scripts to seeing it all come together. “Just reading scripts takes away the magic.” Referring to watching now as actors have really come into their characters, Delvis said, “it’s really funny!” He hopes the audiences enjoy the show.

Lucas Nowak plays the part of Duke Orsino, the powerful Duke of Illyria who is madly in love with heiress Countess Olivia. Participating in the last four plays, Lucas loves theater. “It’s great to be able to meet new people and always just fun being on stage; it’s like having interaction with the audience.”

Before this play, Lucas was not familiar with Shakespeare.

“Memorizing lines for a Shakespeare play takes a little time to get used to,” Lucas said. “Once you get going, it’s easier than people think it is.” Lucas hopes the audiences get a good laugh and have a good time.

“As Mr. Campbell puts it, “leave the real world behind at the door, and get transported to this other world in front of you in the dark theater.”

Heiress Countess Olivia is portrayed by Madeline Kemler. Madeline describes her character as persistent and commanding. Olivia and Duke Orsino are attracted to each other until she meets Cesario. Madeline finds it funny how desperate and shameless her character is when she is falling in love and pursuing who she thinks is Cesario but is Viola in disguise.

Ironically, Madeline saw “Twelfth Night” when she was 11 years old but didn’t understand it. When she saw the script at the audition for the play, she remembered the storyline and now understands it.

With help from a coach, Madeline learned to use beats to memorize her lines. Her coach said Shakespeare often used beats while writing his plays. She said she really loves theater; it’s been a passion of hers since she was three and heard the “Les Misérables” soundtrack along with seeing “Lion King” on Broadway at age five. Watching her cousin participate in theater also fueled her passion. Madeline enjoys learning through summer camps offering theatre.

Madeline hopes the play gives the audiences a better appreciation for Shakespeare and what a great storyteller he was and that Shakespeare plays can be funny. “I love our theater program. I love the cast and crew; we’re like a family. It’s so great,” Madeline said.

Tickets for the play can be purchased only at the door.

PRESS PHOTO BY TIM SINGLESThe cast and crew of the comedy “Twelfth Night” gather for a photo during a recent dress rehearsal. The play will be performed at Lower Macungie Middle School 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16, 17 and 18. See story and additional photos on Page A11.