Northampton Area High School curriculum changes detailed
Additions, deletions and restoration - revisions to requirements and prerequisites and changes in descriptions for courses in the curriculum at Northampton Area High School are in store for students.
The 2018-19 NAHS program of studies, presented by Northampton Area High School Principal Robert Steckel and Assistant Principal Kimberly Levin at the Nov. 6 school board meeting, is expected to be on the agenda for an up-or-down vote by the board of education at its next meeting, 6:30 p.m. Nov. 20 at the NASD Administration Building, 2014 Laubach Ave., Northampton.
The goal of the changes in the course offerings, according to Steckel, is “to increase the rigor at the high school.”
“We would like for our students to take four years of math,” Levin noted as one example.
The proposed changes are the result of “a collaborative effort between everyone at the high school,” Steckel said.
“We’re gearing up for the next five years,” NASD Superintendent of Schools Joseph Kovalchik added.
“It is possible to get an excellent education in the Northampton Area School District. But it’s up to the students and parents to go get it,” school Director Chuck Longacre said.
For a course to be offered, NASD requires a minimum class size of 15 students.
Highlights of the proposed changes to courses, by subject area, include:
Business and computer technology:add intro to programming; business communications
English: add AP English 11: language and composition; online honors English 12; college-ready English 12; creative writing; AP English 12: literature and composition English (for 2019-20); and restore journalism; yearbook; PSAT-SAT-ACT verbal prep
Family and consumer sciences: add prerequisite to nutrition for wellness
Fine and digital arts: remove senior video
Health and physical education: remove life sports; badminton/volleyball; and add net and racquet sports
Mathematics: add AP calculus BC; college-ready mathematics for seniors; and restore PSAT-SAT-ACT mathematics prep
Music: remove mixed and grade designations from title for chorus (semester and full-year)
Science: restore honors physics I; and remove regular anatomy and physiology
Social studies: add AP psychology
Special education: revise course descriptions
World languages: no changes
Bethlehem Area Vocational Technical School: remove cabinetmaking
Class rank:The NAHS administration, faculty and students are developing recommendations for revisions to the class-rank system. Information is to be presented at an upcoming school board meeting.
Graduation requirements:Graduation requirements policy 217 will be revised because of changes with career and technical students and updates to state requirements and recommendations from NAHS staff and students. This information will be presented with class-rank recommendations at an upcoming school board meeting.