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Voters choose Armstrong as next Lehigh County executive

Results of Tuesday’s Municipal Election from Lehigh County Voter Registration show Democrat Phillips Armstrong with an unofficial 24,675 votes to Republican Brad Osborne’s unofficial 22,116 votes to take home the win for Lehigh County Executive.

With 100 percent of the ditricts reporting, Armstrong garnered an unofficial 52.69 percent of the vote to Osborne’s 47.23 percent.

During the campaign, Armstrong told The Press his first priority if elected would be to develop open communications with the board and all departments.

Armstrong said he would work to build a strong regional economy to attract first-rate employers to the area and would partner with colleges, local municipalities, labor unions and school districts to provide a sensible and regional process to solving government problems.

“I will preserve our public services, including Cedarbrook Nursing Home, to keep a strong safety net for our citizens,” Armstong said at the time. “I will work hard to preserve farmland and defend labor, while keeping taxes down and bond ratings high - as I have done in Whitehall.

Osborne emailed The Press Wednesday morning after the election with the following comment:

“I want to congratulate Phil on his victory, and look forward to working with him,” Osborne wrote. “We have a lot of important things to accomplish in the near future.”

Phillips Armstrong Copyright - 2016, Matt Roth