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Salisbury Township commissioners are seeking a replacement following a resignation from the Salisbury Township Planning Commission.

The resignation of Stephen J. McKitish Jr., vice chairman of the planning commission, was accepted with a 4-0 vote, with one commissioner absent at the Oct. 26 township meeting. Commissioner Joanne Ackerman made the motion, seconded by Commissioner James Seagreaves, to bring the motion to a vote.

In introducing the motion, Salisbury Township Manager Cathy Bonaskiewich said, “Unfortunately, for Salisbury, we have received communication that he [McKitish] is going to step down from the planning commission.

“He said he would continue to serve until a replacement is found,” Bonaskiewich added.

“This guy [McKitish] is going to be sorely missed,” Commissioner Debra Brinton said, adding, “I’m going to miss him.”

“I hate to see him go,” Salisbury Township Director of Planning and Zoning Cynthia Sopka said. “He’s been a real asset to the township. It’s been a pleasure to work with him.”

The township’s website lists information under the topic tab, Planning Commission Vacancy (Ward 3). The unexpired term extends to Jan. 1, 2020.

Deadline for filling out the application form, sending a resume and applying to the township manager was Nov. 3. The opening was published Oct. 19.

In other business at the Oct. 26 meeting. commissioners voted 4-0 to:

Authorize Payment No. 1, $40,256.25, to In-Line Services, Inc., Flemington, N.J., for the water meter replacement project.

Authorize Payment No. 2, the final payment, $37,896.35, to Standard Pipe Services, LLC, Newark, Del., for the main line cured-in-place pipe lining project.

Authorize Bonaskiewich and Salisbury Township Finance Director Paul Ziegenfus to assign fund balances as necessary. Bonaskiewich said the resolution was a housekeeping matter resulting from the changes in township administration.