The Nov. 6 meeting of the Macungie Borough Council began with an executive session discussing the police contract that ended close to 9 p.m.
Resident Dave Fatzinger spoke about the recurring issue of a truck parking on Village Walk Drive for an extended period of time. Fatzinger was asking for the issue to be addressed by the police department. Borough council assured Fatzinger the situation is being discussed and his pleas are not falling on deaf ears.
“If the police officers do not want to listen to the council members or the citizens they represent maybe the borough should not have a police force,” Council member Greg Hutchison said.
Business owner Tim Romig said the correct wheel base template was not used by borough engineers when planning the Main Street Streetscape project at the Race Street intersection. Borough President Chris Becker has taken it upon himself to meet with business owners in the borough in order to understand the current status of the Main Street intersections.
Becker explained the borough was looking for a price to remove the island at the Race Street intersection and turn it into pavement. He also said the south bump out at the intersection was always part of the plan, but the north bump out was added later and could be removed in the future.
Becker said the ultimate plan is to make the downtown area more accessible and not to destroy businesses in the borough. He pointed out the project is not being funded by local tax payer dollars, but by federal and state grants.
Becker also said council will take in all the information they are gathering from the business owners and residents in order to come up with a plan.
Romig questioned when the island would be removed. Council explained the island will be removed as soon as possible.
“We are working hard to get these projects paid by grants from the state or national government,” Becker said.
Council explained they are trying to become more directly involved with the project instead of leaving it to hired engineers.
Council found a price of $6,619 to remove and pave over the island and the project was approved.
A payment of $5,244 was approved by council for a traffic light in the borough.
An ordinance was adopted involving adding traffic restrictions at the Main and Church streets intersection. The ordinance had three main points.
First, North Church Street would be one way going south until Main Street. Also, left turns would be prohibited into the alley at the intersection of Church and Main streets. Finally, the intersection of Church Street would allow a right turn only going southbound. The ordinance was approved unanimously.
A draft ordinance was discussed regarding parking in front of cluster mailboxes. The ordinance would prohibit parking on both sides of Village Walk and Brookfield Drive 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday within 10 feet of cluster mailboxes. There was a question whether signs are necessary. A public hearing for the ordinance was approved and scheduled.
Borough Manager Chris Boehm asked for authorization to advertise for the administrative assistant position if Cynthia Hartzell is elected tax collector. The motion was approved.
The Macungie Fire Department made a training request which was discussed during the meeting. The fire department wanted the borough to pay $3,000 for an annual membership which includes the entire fire department at Bucks County Community College. The membership would include unlimited training for the department for a year. Council had some additional questions.
Macungie Borough Council will hold its next meeting Nov. 20. Meetings take place on the first and third Mondays of the month. Meetings are 7:30 p.m. at the Macungie Institute.