The Lower Macungie Township Board of Commissioners held its meeting Nov. 2 where there was a conditional use hearing for a proposed early learning center on Hamilton Boulevard.
The proposed new day care, Natural Wonders Early Learning Center, is planned for 6636 Hamilton Blvd.
The building was recently occupied by Sneaks and Cleats and has another building attached which is a retail establishment. The parking lot is in the front of the building with a proposed playground in the rear.
A bus stop will be added in front of the building on Hamilton Boulevard. East Penn School District has said the bus stop will be created so the school bus blocks the driveway which will eliminate the potential problem with traffic within the parking lot as kids are boarding the bus.
The Taste of Soup event at the Lower Macungie Township Library recently was well received with 14 soups offered. The event raised $720. Commissioner Richard Ward won as one of the individual entries.
The residents of Mill Creek Road are requesting a meeting with the township over the speeding on the road between Sauerkraut Lane and Spring Creek Road. The residents will meet with the public works, roads and sewers committee.
Several residents requested Trick or Treat time be shortened. The time has been 6 to 9 p.m. for several years. Some residents cannot get out until later due to work schedules. It was suggested if the hours are too long and candy has run out, lights out means the residence is not participating.
The new weight restriction on the bridge on Macungie Road is 14 tons.
The Heritage Park Project will begin as a bid was chosen with Zgura Concrete for $67,000 to begin the sidewalk construction. There were six bids received for this project. A grant was received for some of this construction and for outside furniture such as benches.
The cost factor was discussed over right-to-know requests. The state actually requested this information due to the apparent excessive costs. It can be a company who is looking to make a purchase of real estate and they might request occupancy permits, etc. One request had the township secretary, Renea Flexer, going through three filling cabinets for mountains of paperwork needed to compete the request.
There will be a portion of Krocks Road North closed during evening hours due to a very large transformer being transported on the bypass.
The Spring Creek and Creamery roads intersection will be closed for reconstruction of the island between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. in the near future.