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S. Whitehall police chief announces retirement

South Whitehall Township Police Chief John Christman will be retiring from the township in January 2018.

Christman, who led the 39-member police department, began as a patrol officer in South Whitehall 25 years ago.

He was elevated to chief in November 2015.

At that time, he received an outpouring of support from family, friends, police officers and public officials.

At the recent commissioners’ meeting, board President Christina “Tori” Morgan commented on the chief’s service.

“We’re very sorry to see him go,” Morgan said. “He has many accomplishments.”

She recognized the role he took in leading the department through the process of accreditation which was achieved this year.

Morgan also commended Christman for his support of the K-9 program, Project Lifesaver and Coffee with a Cop.

She said the township has engaged the Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association to help find Christman’s successor.

“They’ll take applications inside and outside,” Christman said, adding he will be taking a position in the private sector.

South Whitehall Township Police Chief John Christman is shown accepting an AED, for placement in a police cruiser, from Rachel Moyer. Christman recently announced his retirement.